In the progress of investigating the core ideas of projects, Xiaoxuan Li found herself gradually becoming interested in people's desires and how society affects people's thinking and behavior. Basically, the main media of her works are installations and videos. She prefer to present topic and issues in a specific way.
Environment influences human in their minds and aesthetic, which means that people could be easy to exchange themselves by media and celebrity. With the development of social media, most young people often follow the VLOG of fashion bloggers or beauty bloggers, which leads to a blind pursuit of life or consumption. Her works are most about the abnormal aesthetic and blind pursuit of beauty. Besides, she also did works about the food and appetite, which due to her personal habits and thinking from some mental illness.
Cooking has been her hobby for many years, and she has found that she often eats to relieve bad moods. Actually it is a symptom of anxiety disorders, and the more and more people try to do but they don’t realize that they already have a mental illness. In fact, there are so many issues effect people’s habits and behaviors because that most of people are both have crowd psychology. That would always be a chain to limit human.
Based on core ideas, the materials of her works are mixed media which she never tried in BA degree. It is beneficial for her to study more art media in postgraduate, and lead works to have more possibilities. It is always inspiring her to explore more thoughts by trying different ways to make a same theme.
However, her works are always represent in a not so serious way to convey to viewers. Even though the most of topics are negative and depressed. As an artist, what she can do is that just watch the development of phenomenon, and show her thinking from it.