Wenjing Fan explores multi-mediums in her practice, such as drawing, photograph, and video. She curious about representing the essential fact of objects. Meanwhile, she also tries to respond to contradictions and conflicts around social boundary.
She fascinated with the collaboration of intimacy objects such as toys, games and childhood memories. She uses them as mediums to discover the nature of objects. The outer world always gives extra meanings upon objects, and the artist wants to get rid of these appearances and distortions. Wenjing uses different forms and mediums to present one same object. She believes the process helps her to reveal a hidden meaning behind ordinary cognitions.
Wenjing is also interested in social conflicts. With subjective experience and the reflection upon the limits of social boundary, she intends to devise interactive and collaborative approaches to dialogue with the viewers. Thus, she can create a narrative to represent and interpret the simultaneity of humor, banality and pathos.
In Wenjing’s work, she finds the time-taking process would help her to establish relationship with the subjects, be familiar with the materials and communicate with people. The process can also allow her to build up an unique perspective.