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"Stefan’s current practice is concerned with the ways in which contemporary masculinities are socially organized, performed, and reproduced. Specifically, the ways in which interpersonal violence between men is endorsed by prevailing hegemonic masculinities.


If, according to Judith Butler, “gender is in no way a stable identity” but rather “an identity tenuously constituted in time - an identity instituted through a stylized repetition of acts” then a goal is to explore the violence of some masculinities in way that is both critically aware, yet also sympathetic to the forces driving these ‘stylized, repeated acts’.


This process is undertaken with the idea in mind of drawing, and the physicality of drawing, as a way of understanding. There is a tradition of drawing suggesting that through concentrated and painstaking study we might render and simultaneously better understand the subject.


In one ongoing series, ‘Consensual Crimes’, viral videos of men fighting in front of ‘passive’ audiences are represented through tender, meticulous drawing - and the proportions of each piece are relative to the phones or tablets through which these images are disseminated, stripped of context, and watched globally.”

Instagram: junkiemonkeyart


The Crypt Gallery London

165 Euston Road, London NW1 2BA

07.11.2019-10.11.2019  10 -6 pm

Private View 

7th November 2019  6-9 pm

MFA Fine Art


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