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Inês Maia

It’s about the attitude, the search for the identity, Art has little role in it.

It’s not about blind rebellion too. It’s not about the classic stigma of vandalistic image, shady unschooled background, or hip-hop labelled baggy clothes. It’s about unconformity of these exact labels. Graffiti-Art comes, today, from every background and every culture, from the street to the galleries or concept stores, it is free and it’s makers want to keep it that way.

The dichotomy inherent in graffiti is what the works substantiate around - is it Art or is it Vandalism? - without falling into the trap of trying to label it one or another.

Mixing mediums of oil based paint and acrylic ink pen, maintaining the trademark of the spray can in different bases from canvas to wood and foam - switching back and forth through sculpture and painting, until it merges into one.

The use of another classical trademark - the stencil - is here challenged as well. The shape of cut-out (paper) will not be only a means to a creation but now incorporated, therefore visible, in the final product itself.

Playing with the basic notions of cartoon is the aim; challenging it’s role in the workpiece from a secondary one in early style graffiti to a more evolved influence in the art. The cartoon here is distorted, relatable at times but ugly and truthful other times.

Names like Basquiat, Haring and now Banksy demonstrate the artistic power inherent in Graffiti. Current times dictate that it is evolving into something other than what it was once labelled for, it is breaking out of it’s own box just how every piece of work should be, including his own maker’s box.

Pic a topic and talk about it. Stay true to that topic/idea

Know what are you talking about - explain through facts and not opinions

Its about the ART not the Artist

1st paragraph: Introduce your work, specific project. Overview

2nd p. How these issues or ideas are presented in the work

3rd p. Why you have picked this topic and work


The Crypt Gallery London

165 Euston Road, London NW1 2BA

07.11.2019-10.11.2019  10 -6 pm

Private View 

7th November 2019  6-9 pm

MFA Fine Art


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