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Louises Will discusses about anthropology and she tries to communicate the origin of social and cultural behaviors of human beings. She is interested in understanding the reason of certain conditions as the environmental problems, genres differences and spirituality. Her favorite medium is photography.


The project “Can’t see the way” tries to focus on the way people see life. Fernando Pessoa in “Livro do Desassossego” says “life is an experimental journey that we make involuntarily. It is a journey of the mind through matter.” 


Seeing life as a journey, metaphorically a path, future is the part we still have to go. As humans we are walking in life with no direction, so we don’t know where we are going.


The Crypt Gallery London

165 Euston Road, London NW1 2BA

07.11.2019-10.11.2019  10 -6 pm

Private View 

7th November 2019  6-9 pm

MFA Fine Art


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